My 3 yr old daughter took this pic of me

Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Favorite Organizing Clutter Solutions

I have 2 little girls and the hair accessories are overwhelming. My bathroom closet looked atrocious no matter how many times I tried to reorganize it - until I found this at Canadian Tire for $17. Best $17 I ever spent on organizing.

Also in the bathroom, I have organized all of our regularly used lotions, shampoos, etc on a couple of lazy susans on the top shelf and I have baskets for my towels, hand towels, curling irons, brushes, and one for spa stuff. I threw in an empty "catch all" basket and when it gets full of stuff that I found around the house that belongs in the bathroom, it gets put away.

Our shoes used to be in a heap in the bottom of our entrance closet and finding pairs proved to be quite a challenge. I picked up these organizers at IKEA for I think $10 each and they are sooo easy to use. I love them! The shoe problem is now virtually non-existent.

Our master bedroom closet is large but we don't hang at least half of our stuff, so I put my 9 drawer dresser in the bottom and hang my stuff on the left and his on the right with organizers (from IKEA) in the middle to help keep things separate. We also have a wardrobe that we use to keep our worn-once-but-still-clean-so-gonna-wear-again stuff in. Before it was just all over the place and adding, unnecessarily, to the laundry pile.

Also in our room, I purchased a 3-sorter laundry hamper for lights, darks, and work clothes.

And this 4-sorter + 4-sorter + 2 single hampers for the laundry room - makes SUCH a difference and no more laundry all over the floor! (ok, well sometimes there still is, but it's WAY better than it was!)  I know. 10 hampers seems excessive, but believe me, it's not!

The schoolroom is organized with the help of an IKEA EXPEDIT shelving unit fitted with cheap baskets from JYSK and cheap white bins from Walmart (baskets were under $5 ea and the bins were $2something ea) The green ones were from JYSK as well and were $5 ea. Each bin has it's own category - science, playdough, busy bags, art supplies, puzzles, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I love your hair accessory organizer and lazy susan ideas!

