Bad days, inconveniences, illness - these are all things we don't like. I had a very busy week planned out including 2 very important meetings, a visit with one of the kid's bio families, a Dr's appointment, a day of making freezer meals, boys' club, a friend coming over for a visit, a Christmas brunch, Christmas shopping because my funny inlaws are doing gift opening on Dec 2nd lol (I know, eh?), Christmas tree decorating at my mom's, Bible study, and youth group.
And then it happened....about 20 minutes into the freezer meal making, my 2 year old crawled into the kitchen and threw up everywhere.
I feel really bad for her (and the rest of us who are going to probably get it, too) But I immediately started to clear my schedule. I canceled Boys' Club, then rescheduled the Dr's appointment, canceled Bible study, Christmas tree decorating at my mom's, and the friend coming over.
After the mess was cleaned up, I set up the kids in front of their favorite cartoons and cooked as fast as I could, hoping to finish the meals before I got the flu myself. I got 21 meals in my freezer and if I'm still feeling ok, I will do a bunch of baking tomorrow.
I don't like having my plans interrupted, changed, or altered in any way. I like to be in control and to have a plan. But I am realizing that sometimes these interruptions and changes are really blessings in disguise. I get to slow down and enjoy my children and be nurturing and care for their needs. I get to cuddle them longer. I don't have to run all over town.
When my kids get sick, for some reason - no matter how crummy I've been feeling - I all-of-a-sudden feel like super-mom. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night and giving meds and cleaning sheets and bathing kids and rocking them and singing to them. I don't mind my housework not getting done. All I care about is how my little darlings are feeling and making sure that they know and feel that they are loved.
So today I am a little grateful for life's interruptions even if they are uncomfortable and little messy at times.
And then it happened....about 20 minutes into the freezer meal making, my 2 year old crawled into the kitchen and threw up everywhere.
I feel really bad for her (and the rest of us who are going to probably get it, too) But I immediately started to clear my schedule. I canceled Boys' Club, then rescheduled the Dr's appointment, canceled Bible study, Christmas tree decorating at my mom's, and the friend coming over.
After the mess was cleaned up, I set up the kids in front of their favorite cartoons and cooked as fast as I could, hoping to finish the meals before I got the flu myself. I got 21 meals in my freezer and if I'm still feeling ok, I will do a bunch of baking tomorrow.
I don't like having my plans interrupted, changed, or altered in any way. I like to be in control and to have a plan. But I am realizing that sometimes these interruptions and changes are really blessings in disguise. I get to slow down and enjoy my children and be nurturing and care for their needs. I get to cuddle them longer. I don't have to run all over town.
When my kids get sick, for some reason - no matter how crummy I've been feeling - I all-of-a-sudden feel like super-mom. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night and giving meds and cleaning sheets and bathing kids and rocking them and singing to them. I don't mind my housework not getting done. All I care about is how my little darlings are feeling and making sure that they know and feel that they are loved.
So today I am a little grateful for life's interruptions even if they are uncomfortable and little messy at times.