I wasn't intending on starting school this week, but my 5 yr old asked me at breakfast, "Mama, can you read me a Bible story?" and that kinda set the whole thing rolling. So there was no real plan in place, I just headed to Google (my good friend) and within a few minutes we were having a blast! Following are pics of Jasna and what we did, but Daisy participated, too. I'm just not yet allowed to post pics of her :( So I'm just sharing the Jas pics for now.
First we read the first couple verses of Genesis chapter 1 about God's creation of light and separating day from night.
Then my friend Carla had this idea of dark and light monoculars made with toilet paper rolls (I cut one in half) and taped construction paper on the ends.
Then I made mini cupcakes (recipe at the bottom of this page) and colored some icing with black food coloring (from Michael's) and left the other icing white. They decorated each cupcake with popsicle sticks...
Coloring her Creation Day 2 picture (upside down) - picture found
Creation Day 2 snack - light blue icing (food coloring from Michael's) for sky, blueberries for water, and marshmallows cut in half for clouds (I didn't have mini marshmallows)
They both really liked it :)
Letter A Do a dot - found
Daisy's letter A do a dot lol She loved the bingo markers!
Jasna's completed A do a dot
Tracing A picture found
here....this one is Jasna's
and this is what Daisy thought of it - BORING lol
Apple match up shapes for Daisy - she loved this!
while Jasna glued apples onto her tree - found
We read the following "A" books (most found at the library):
I LOVED this one and so did Daisy. Jasna enjoyed it, too, but it's a younger reading level. Each page says things like, "I have two arms" and shows a corresponding picture. I will buy this book.
This one was ok. It interested the girls I think mostly because of the pictures, but overall I give this one a 3 out of 5
We own this one and read the two "A" poems in it - Alligater Pie and Anna Banana
This is the Bible story book we are using
Another library one and we enjoyed it.
This book was delightful, simple, and old fashioned which was a lot of fun!
They snacked on vanilla flavored "A" cookies...
I bought them at Walmart
And I showed the girls that their names both have A in them
We sounded out the 3 sounds for A and learned the sign for A.
I searched Google images for both of these pics and printed them on cardstock after cropping them.
Here's the recipe for the cupcakes:
2 cups white flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil (shortening makes it fluffier)
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
Mix and pour into mini or regular cupcake papers and bake at 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes OR pour into a greased and floured 9x9 cake pan and bake at 350 degrees F for 30-40 minutes (I think).
We are not going to be doing any school for the rest of this week, so the plan is to continue with the A theme next week and cover things like Africa and it's culture, animals that begin with A, an A scavenger hunt, A foods, more A books, etc. I can't wait!